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Tucker and Dale vs. Evil Review (2010)- A brilliantly hilarious satire on classic horror movie tropes!

If you have not seen Tucker and Dale vs. Evil it is a movie that we here consider a MUST SEE. It is packed full of laughter as it turns classic horror movie tropes upside down. It is seriously entertaining and it is a movie we consider a classic for Halloween.

We will do everything we can to not give too many spoilers in this review but there is likely to be some so please take that into consideration and read cautiously.

The film begins with a group of college kids going on a camping trip in the Ozark Mountains or some other mountainous region. All of the classic stereotypes of college kids are present as they speed through “hillbilly” country in their van.

The college kids stop to get some gas and beer at a seedy looking gas station. This is where we officially meet Tucker and Dale, (Alan Tudyk and Tyler Labine).

Tucker and Dale meet the standard stereotypes for hillbilly in their dress, mannerisms, and speech patterns overall. The college kids find them unnerving and leave the gas station quickly. This scene is a particular favorite of mine because it is when the film starts to show you some of its truth and it also makes me laugh.

The kids arrive at their campsite, get settled, and of course it’s party time! They start drinking copious amounts of beer and smoking a decent amount of pot because it’s simply what you do in these situations.

While smoking and drinking one of the college students decides to tell them a story about the Memorial Day Massacre! Which involved a group of college kids just like them being murdered by hillbillies precisely where they had made camp! Anxious about the story the other college kids decide to do the sensible thing and to shake it all off literally with skinny dipping!

We cannot have a horror movie without some nudity right! Not a college kid one anyway. It is part of the humor of this film. We have all the bases covered!

Meanwhile our two hillbillies Tucker and Dale are just trying to do some night fishing in the lake when the college kids appear out of the dark stripping off their clothes! Dale is concerned by this but Tucker is intrigued and wants a closer look.

One of the young women, Allison (Katrina Bowden), for reasons unknown decides to remove herself from the group and start stripping further down the beach on top of a rock that vaguely resembles pride rock from Lion King.

Why she does this? We do not know. But we honestly do not care because she falls off of the rock into the water hitting her head in the process. Tucker and Dale rescue her unconscious form from the water. Not knowing what else to do they decide to take her back to their run down cottage that is to be their brand new vacation home.

The other college kids having witnessed them haul her into their boat believes that she has been kidnapped by crazy hillbillies!

This where things get fun and dicey. As everything twists on the audience as we begin fully understand who we need to be fearful of.

In a fun and clever twist, the only character we need to be worried about is one of the college kids specifically the kid named Chad, (Jesse Moss).

Tucker and Dale (Alan Tudyk and Tyler Labine), are funny and affable guys that are best friends. Tucker can be a bit of a bully, but clearly cares a lot for his gentle friend Dale and has a lot of pride for his new vacation home. Dale is a kind and intelligent person who struggles with his self-esteem but has more strength and courage than he knows.

These two friends are in the process of renovating their new vacation home but end up finding themselves in an oddly gruesome type of war with college kids instead!

Hilarity and continuous misunderstandings ensue as the college kids horrify Tucker and Dale in their attempts to “rescue” their friend, Allison, under the leadership of the unstable and rather murderous Chad who happens to have a real hatred for hillbillies.

Allison’s attempts to help both sides come to an understanding to no avail is funny and saddening at the same time. It speaks to a truth about people that is complicated. Misunderstandings are at the center for a lot of unnecessary conflict. I enjoyed that the film discussed in a subtle way such a universal truth.

More funny twists occur to enjoy and the ending while a bit strange overall will make you smile.

As someone who is not normally into films that lean too heavily on the gory side, we still found ourselves laughing and smiling throughout the entire film despite some of the graphic scenes. It is a fantastic film that is well worth watching as it is simply put fun and we could all use a little more fun in our lives!

We give this movie…Five Beer’s out of five!

The Tucker and Dale vs. Evil Drinking Game:

Take a sip anytime:

  • A college kids dies

  • Tucker puts beer on his wounds

  • Anytime there is a blatant misunderstanding between the college kids and our main characters

  • Anytime Tucker is sarcastic

  • Anytime Dale stares at someone

  • Anytime Dale does something sweet

  • Excessive blood on screen

  • Anytime Allison gets knocked out

What did you think?? Did you like the movie? Did you hate it!? Do you have suggestions for films we should consider?! Let us know here in the comments and always remember to be safe and drink responsibly!