Little Evil Review (2017)- A hysterical nod to “The Omen!”

Going down a similar vein as Tucker and Dale! If you have not seen Little Evil on Netflix it is a very fun movie that we here, consider a damn good time! It is another Horror Comedy. We enjoy Horror comedies but the next one we are reviewing is going to be of the more classic horror genre. But! This one was way too much fun not to discuss so here we are!

We will do everything we can to not give too many spoilers in this review but there is likely to be some so please take that into consideration and read cautiously.

This film begins with our main character Gary, (Adam Scot), who has just recently married the love of his life Samantha, (Evangeline Lilly) moving into Samantha’s house. There is only one small problem…she has a small child named Lucas (Owen Atlas) that Gary did not spend a lot of time with prior to the wedding.

Lucas is a quiet boy about to have his sixth birthday and has some serious reservations about his new stepdad. Gary notices that Lucas displays…some odd behaviors. Lucas has a threatening stare that would make anyone feel extremely uncomfortable that he likes to aim predominantly at Gary.

Samantha is a sweet person, but unfortunately for Gary, she has fully embraced toxic positivity, and truly does not see Lucas’s behavior as problematic. She adores Lucas, and she struggles to hold Lucas accountable for his unsettling behavior. This is likely caused from the way in which Lucas was conceived but that is neither here nor there.

This leaves Gary feeling unsettled, but he thinks that everything will be ok once Lucas gets more used to him.

Things start to get funnier and stranger…odd and violent events seem to follow this child everywhere he goes!

Gary's suspicions start to increase but his suspicions are assuaged once he starts going to a stepdad support group where the consensus is that kids are essentially odd little assholes.

While this may be true to a degree. I think it is important to note that children are complicated little people that are still developing. It is not so cut and dry. But I digress!

Gary leaves the support group feeling better about Lucas. He also really connected with his support group and made some new friends that understand how difficult it is to be a stepparent.

Gary is dealing as best as he can, thinking that his suspicious feelings towards Lucas are unfounded until he goes on a little trip to pick up his wedding video. The footage of Lucas at the wedding along with the Officiate speaking backwards causes Gary’s doubts to soar to new heights.

He seeks out his hilarious friend from his support group, Al (Bridget Everett), to help him get to the bottom of Lucas’s conception and heritage.

Things get more and more hysterical as the two of them try to figure out what to do about Lucas who they discover through their investigation is the Anti-Christ!

Lucas being just a child who has been handed a hard legacy simply due to his birth causes Gary a lot of confusion. However, Lucas's behavior becomes more and more erratic and dangerous to the point where Gary is in actual danger.

Gary is unsure of what the moral and ethical thing to do is in this situation and he is running out of time to figure it out! The gates of hell are to be opened in a matter of days on Lucas’s 6th birthday. An evil priest (Clancy Brown) is plotting against them, and Gary knows he has to make a decision and even though the situation may seem black and white to some…Gary sees nothing but grey.

We will not be saying more because we truly do not want to give any more spoilers than necessary, and we want you to see it for yourself! This film is funny, and very clearly poking fun at the movie The Omen, but it does not do so in a disrespectful fashion.

The film is not overly graphic or gory. It poses more psychological and behavioral questions. What is the right thing to do here? What does this poor kid actually need? Yes, the answer may be cheesy! But I still found myself smiling and enjoying myself while watching this movie. It is worth a watch, and we hope that you have as much fun with it as we did when we watched it!

We give this movie…

Four shots out of five!

The Little Evil Drinking Game:

Take a sip anytime:

  • Lucas stares with hooded eyes

  • Lucas tries to harm someone

  • Lucas talks to or refers to his puppet, Reeroy

  • Samantha disregards Lucas’ behavior or makes excuses for Lucas

  • Gary is awkward around Lucas

  • Lucas affects someone’s behavior, intentionally or otherwise

  • There is reference to satanic symbolism (666, Rapture, upside down pentagrams, etc.)

  • The stepdads get together

  • Al says “Bro” or “Man”

  • Gary and Sam get frustrated with each other (Bickering/Fighting)

  • There is a reference to another movie (The Omen, Poltergeist, etc.)

  • The stepdads complain about their step kids

  • Lucas is referred to as the antichrist

What did you think?? Did you like the movie? Did you hate it!? Do you have suggestions for films we should consider?! Let us know here in the comments and always remember to be safe and drink responsibly!


The Ritual Review (2017) - A gruesome, yet fascinating look at loss, and guilt!


Tucker and Dale vs. Evil Review (2010)- A brilliantly hilarious satire on classic horror movie tropes!