The Smashed Potatoes

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I Love You Phillip Morris Review (2009) – A wonderful, quirky, colorful and incredibly entertaining love story that is actually based on real people and true events!

Honoring inclusivity and Pride, we continue this month with another favorite of ours, “I love you Phillip Morris”! We love this film for a multitude of reasons, not the least bit being that we love seeing different stories about all kinds of people! The world is not a cookie cutter, as much as some may want it to be, and how hard they have tried to force the world to be.

We are all so wonderfully different and our differences are something to be honored, respected, celebrated, and loved! We potatoes love representation and we especially love it when it is as well done and amazing as this film!

This is one of Jim Carrey’s best films in our opinion. Ewan McGregor also brings his A game in this movie. The writing is beautiful and their love is so believable, it is palpable. We here can be very cheesy as well as smashed and we LOVE, love. We support all love, and individuality!

Some trigger warnings: this movie can be a bit explicit at times although it is not excessively so. Suicide, conning, lying, manipulation and some violence can also be found within this film. Just a heads up! This film is funny, but it also deals with some darker and heavier themes.

Without further ado, let’s get into the awesome and crazy true story about the extraordinary life of Steven Jay Russell (Jim Carrey).

The movie starts with a shot of future Steven Russell (Jim Carrey), laying in a hospitable bed staring into the camera with a long and blank stare. We hear the sound of a flat line and we hear a voice over for Steven talking about love.

“Love’s the reason I’m layin’ here dyin’.”

We cut from the hospital bed to a scene of a group of small children laying out in a field looking at the clouds. Steven’s mom calls for young elementary school aged Steven to come back to the house…where they decide to tell him that he was adopted…well not officially adopted, but purchased from a woman in the hospital parking lot with a bag of money.

We found this whole thing strange, and had a lot of questions! What is with the timing? Why are you telling him this now and so randomly? Also, why on earth would you tell him that you gave his bio mom a bag of money in a parking lot for him? Surely he could have learned the details when he was a bit older? Telling him he is adopted sure…but the manner in which he was adopted is sketchy. His parents are definitely odd ones. They are not cruel per se, just very misguided and strange…but we digress!

Steven decides that while the news stings a bit, especially considering the way his parents told him, he was not going to “Let it get him down.” He was going to be the best person he could be!

We cut to a church, and see adult Steven playing the piano and singing along with the choir. He has a large, but relatively fake looking grin on his face as he sings. Toxic positivity is a real problem that permeates our society in many ways…but can especially be found within the church community.

Next, we see Steven walking into what must be the sheriff’s station with a sheriff’s uniform on. He is some kind of deputy, or something along those lines. He is clearly doing his best to live up to an image of being a perfect person with a perfect life.

Later we see him putting his little daughter to bed. He is incredibly sweet with her and you can tell that he cares for her very much.

He and his wife Debbie (Leslie Mann), are saying their prayers before bed, and Debbie is long winded and ridiculous with her prayers. It is super silly, and made us laugh and roll our eyes at the same time.

After her long winded, nonsensical prayers they manage to make it to bed where they start being intimate…their intimacy looks boring and unsatisfying for all involved but especially for any female participants.

During their uninspiring time together, Steven tells her that he has the documents necessary to find his biological mom through his work at the sheriff’s department. He is unsure if it is the right thing to do…but Debbie, while simple, is very sweet.

She is excited for him, so as soon as they wrap up their awful time in bed they rush downstairs to look over everything and they find Steven’s mom!

He did it! Steven found his biological mother, and while he is thrilled at first…it is not so cut and dry. We cut back to future Steven lying in the hospital bed where we hear him admit that he only became a police officer in order to find his mother.

He admits that it may not have been the best choice, but it is what it is and it is what he did. He shows up at his bio mom’s house where he expresses his upset at being “abandoned” by her. He is confused as to why she kept her 2 other children…but not him. He would have been the middle child!

“What’s wrong with me?!”

This scene is both silly and sad. We felt for Steven. We wanted to tell him that there is nothing wrong with him. He is wonderful just as he is…what we are thinking may have happened is that he may not be her husband’s child…there are many circumstances in which this could happen but that was one of our thoughts while watching this scene.

Something happened and Steven may be her child…but maybe he is not her partner’s child and perhaps she was afraid that it would be evident? Or maybe keeping him was too painful because the circumstances around his conception are complicated, traumatic or difficult for her?

We cannot say for sure, but we want to tell Steven that there could be many reasons why this occurred and none of them have anything to do with his person. He is not less than because of his biological mom’s choices.

Anyway, we digress again!

Steven’s bio mom is not happy to see him once she realizes who he is. She slams the door in his face and tells him to leave. Steven is understandably incredibly upset and steals the welcome mat because,“It’s a lie!”

He quit the police force that very same day, moved his family all the way to Texas and got a job working in produce for Sysco. He is throwing a large barbecue and life appears to be good! Emphasis on appears to be good…Steven really cares about appearances.

The next scene is relatively graphic, but nothing to write home about. Steven is having far more satisfying intimacy with someone…who? Not Deb…a man! This is where we learn that Steven is gay!

Voice over Steven talks about how he is gay and has been gay his whole life! He says that he has been living a lie. Our smashed hearts hurt for Steven. He should have never had to lie about who he is. We hate that for him. Deb is a sweet woman…but she is not the person or sex for him and that is ok!

Anyway, on his way home from his liaison with his lover, he gets into a horrible car accident. Like, totaled his car and sustained major injuries kind of accident.

While he is being wheeled into the ambulance he declares his truth! Please pardon the verbiage here, it is a direct quote, “I’m gonna be a fag.”

He decided to start his life over again! He wants to live his life authentically and be himself! We love this for him!

He moves to Florida, meets his first boyfriend Jimmy (Rodrigo Santoro), gets a new place and two cute mini Dobermans. Steven is living it up in Florida! Spending money on anything and everything his heart desires…but it is a bit strange.

Steven is living an incredibly expensive lifestyle and for some reason he thinks that “Being gay is expensive.” 

This made us laugh because obviously his expensive lifestyle has nothing to do with who he loves or how he loves. It has everything to do with the type of lifestyle he wants and can afford to provide for himself. Now, we potatoes are all about enjoying what little time we have on this earth…but it all felt odd. How is Steven affording all of this?! He still works for Sysco right?

Well, Steven’s issues with lying have nothing to do with him being gay (obviously) …and everything to do with the fact that he is a con artist! We see a hilarious montage of his various cons, and how he makes all of this money to live this high life that he wants.

He tries and succeeds at any kind of fraud he could do to make money. Charismatic, smart, and definitely egotistical…Steven is a very good con artist!

He makes so much money with his crimes that he sends wads of cash to Deb and his daughter for Christmas. Deb is uncomfortable with it, but she still has a decent relationship with Steven despite their split.

Steven can only keep up the cons for so long before he gets caught! Steven realizes that he is about to be caught when he sees police officers waiting for him at his Sysco office…he leaves before they can see him and attempts to unalive himself while driving in his car.

He wakes up in a hospital and Jimmy is there. Jimmy leaves the room to talk to Deb and a police officer. Steven seizes his opportunity and attempts to escape but they see him trying to sneak off!

Steven somehow makes it to the roof where he tries to jump off and into a dumpster! He is still loopy from the medication so he is not able to aim very well and just manages to fall flat on his face on the concrete.

This scene is so silly and outrageous! Poor Steven, so doped up and afraid that he can’t think clearly. There was no way he was going to be able to get away even if he did land in the dumpster!

Of course, Steven ends up in prison and we see Steven showing a newer person around the place! He has it down, and the answer to anything you may want in prison is to either pay a lot of money, or suck someone’s dick! Your choice!

It is all extremely blunt, and comical. Steven seems to have acclimated to prison life relatively well. He is getting by. It is not easy, and well, prison is prison. It is not a good time to say the least. But Steven is smart and managing fairly well for himself.

While making a call to Deb to try to talk to his daughter, Steven sees a new face. A face that he has not seen before, but one that strikes him fiercely. He follows this young man into the library where they have their first meeting.

This is our favorite character throughout the whole rest of the film, this man is Phillip Morris (Ewan McGregor). Steven can’t seem to help himself, he tells Phillip that he is an attorney which, of course, is not true but it gives him an in to talk to Phillip.

Steven and Phillip are so cute together, but Steven does come on very strongly which puts Phillip off a bit at first. Phillip warms up quickly though. Steven is incredibly charming and is really good at getting what he wants.

Steven has been struck by cupid’s arrow and he is determined. He is smitten with Phillip and we cannot honestly blame him. Phillip is a sweet, gentle, sensitive and genuinely kind person.

Their love story begins with notes that they pass on to each other through another inmate named Cleavon (Michael Mandell). While we do not love Cleavon’s homophobic speech...he is a pretty funny character and he helps them a lot!

As they write more and more letters to each other Phillip and Steven’s relationship grows and grows. They bond deeply and eventually, through Stevens’s machinations, they are able to share a cell together!

We are going to sum things up from here, the relationship between Steven and Phillip is the heart and soul of the film. The acting is amazing and their love is so well done that you will feel it through the screen.

But, Steven is still Steven, and Phillip is an incredibly vulnerable person. When they get out of prison Steven falls back into bad habits, and Phillip has a deep seeded need to feel safe and stable which makes him a little codependent. Phillip loves Steven and struggles to deal with Steven’s manipulation, lying and overall self-destructive behavior.

While their relationship is so beautiful in so many ways, it is also fairly toxic. Steven has some incredibly toxic behaviors and issues with entitlement. He seems to think that he is entitled to a certain standard of living. While we potatoes feel that we all deserve to have shelter, clothing, food, healthcare, and access to necessary technology…Steven believes that he is entitled to a lifestyle of extreme excess. Steven prays upon Phillip’s need for safety and security as well as his naiveté.

This is one complicated film. While their love is so wonderful, real and sweet…Steven has some real problems that he brings into the relationship!

We feel for Phillip so much. Steven’s love can appears to be obsessive as opposed to genuine love. He is fixated on Phillip and while again, it is sweet that he is so determined to be with Phillip no matter what…there is also something uncomfortable and highly dysfunctional about it.

Toxic and dysfunctional relationships exist everywhere regardless of sexual orientation, and we appreciate that this movie does not just give us a fun, and beautiful love story but a real look into human relationships.

Human beings are messy and as such, our relationships often can be too. Not just with others but with ourselves. Steven has a difficult relationship with himself. It is tough to tell if Steven even really knows who he is.

We potatoes completely understand this and feel for Steven. Our relationships with ourselves is the most important relationship we can develop and nurture…and it is often the most neglected relationship we as human beings have.

We do not want to sound like we are dunking on Steven or their love! They are a beautiful couple and we hope that despite all of the nonsense that Steven has put Phillip through that they are able to find each other again once Steven is finally out of prison. We hope for real personal growth, understanding, and self-love for Steven and Phillip.

"I Love You Phillip Morris" is a truly splendid film! It is unconventional, challenges societal norms, thought-provoking and comedic all at the same time! It offers a captivating exploration of love, identity, and the power of human connection, all highlighted by the moving chemistry between the two leads.

We highly recommend this movie! We adore it! If you are someone who loves love stories, enjoys true crime, excellent acting, and adorable moments, then this is the film for you! Cheers to love in all of it’s forms and cheers to you!

We give this movie 5 rainbow cocktails out of 5!


I Love You Phillip Morris Drinking Game

Take a sip anytime:

1.     Anytime you hear the theme song

2.     Anything phallic is on screen

3.     Deb mentions god, Jesus, or gods plan

4.     Steven has a blank stare on his face

5.     Steven lies

6.     Steven gets arrested

7.     Steven escapes prison

8.     Steven buys something new

9.     Steven puts on a fake smile

10.  Steven pulls a con

11.  Steven is charismatic or manipulative

12.  Steven bullshits his way through a tough situation

13.  Steven and Phillip send letters to each other

14.  Steven and Phillip are cute together

15.  Phillip is sweet or kind

16.  Phillip is cute or naive

17.  Cleavon yells

What did you think?? Did you like the movie? Did you hate it!? Do you have suggestions for films we should consider?! Let us know here in the comments and always remember to be safe and drink responsibly!