The Smashed Potatoes

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The Way of the Househusband Review (2021-) – A light, humorous, and fun anime that switches up gender roles!

The Birthday month continues! More anime! This week we are reviewing a newer anime that we have quickly fallen in love with: Netflix’s “The Way of The Househusband”. This anime is so funny, quirky, and sweet! We thoroughly enjoy watching Tatsu tear down stereotypes and take very intense, but excellent care of his small family.

It is so endearing, while at the same time outrageous and funny. This is one for the books and one we will be re-watching time and time again.

This anime is made up of vignettes so this review is likely to be shorter than previous ones. We would also like to let you know that this show does give us glimpses of PTSD symptoms which can be triggering for some.

We will do everything we can to not give too many spoilers in this review but there are likely to be some, so please take that into consideration and read cautiously.

The show starts with our main character, Tatsu, (Kenjiro Tsuda) (Dub, Jonah Scott), an ominous man standing before the bathroom sink. An intricate tattoo of a dragon covers his back and wraps around to his chest. We see scars on the man’s face and body. His posture and facial expression exuding danger…

We cut to the kitchen where he is using a knife to prepare…breakfast! As well as a bento box! His wife Miku, (Shizuka Ito) (Dub, Laura Post), wakes up late and runs out of the house to make her early morning meeting, “like a bat of hell.”

But wait! She forgot her lunch bento box on the way out! Tatsu rushes to his bike to bring her, her lunch as quickly as he can! Unfortunately he gets stopped by the police. They ask him what his occupation is…to which he replies “I’m a househusband.”

The police are suspicious…then it hits them! They recognize him! He is the “Immortal Dragon”! A legendary member of the Yakuza! Tatsu reaches into his pocket… feeling threatened by Tatsu, they reach for their weapons only to have Tatsu hand them a coupon for their local grocery store. He then continues on his way on his bike, baffling the police and continuing on his mission.

Next we see Tatsu back at home, with a door to door sales person! This salesman is trying to sell poorly made knives. Tatsu does nothing half-assed! He must test the knives! He is an intense individual that utilizes his skill set to be the best househusband for his beloved Miku as he can be.

We see him take a cooking class and more! All while dealing with people from his past life as a Yakuza member. He is adamant about his new lifestyle and his love for his wife is clear. He has no interest in being the “Immortal Dragon”. He has better things to do!

This show is so hilarious and weirdly wholesome! We love how endearing it is and how seriously and intensely Tatsu takes being a househusband. The show manages to laugh at itself without making fun of those that stay home to take care of their families.

We are obsessed with the switching of the gender roles! It is so important that we see more media like this. The patriarchy hurts everyone and what works for every family is not going to be the same. Sometimes both parties work, sometimes only one does, sometimes there are kids, pets etc.! What works for any family big or small differs and that is OK!

On a more serious note, this show also takes a look at PTSD. Tatsu’s life as a member of the Yakuza has taken its toll on him. We see him display hyper-vigilance as well as other symptoms of PTSD throughout the show.

The show does gloss over it a bit but we appreciate that we are getting some glimpses of this. After all, Tatsu’s life now is very different from what it was, and while being a househusband is better for him all around. He still carries the burden of his past in many ways.

Tatsu being a househusband is not only what works best for him, but for Miku as well. We should all try to do what works best for our families and ourselves, no matter what the world may say about it. At the end of the day, as long everyone is getting their needs met and they are happy and loved, that is what matters most!

Unfortunately not all families are able to do what would work best for their families or themselves. We hope that everyone, including ourselves, are able to live our lives in the manner that works best for us in this New Year, 2023!

We love this absolutely adorable and endearing anime! It is so silly, quirky and oddly clever that we are sure that anyone who watches it will be laughing and smiling throughout.

If you like odd shows that are cute, have a sweet yet strong message and will make you giggle, then this is the show for you!

We highly recommend giving it a watch!

We give this show…5 glasses of Sake out of 5!

The Way of the Househusband Drinking Game

Take a sip anytime:

1.     Anyone says "Immortal Dragon"

2.     Tatsu looks intense or scary

3.     Tatsu is sweet to his wife or endearingly talks about his wife

4.     Someone recognizes Tatsu from his time in the Yakuza

5.     Tatsu does a household chore/any task with extreme intensity

6.     Anyone says "Househusband"

7.     Anyone mentions "Policure"

8.     Anyone says "the goods" or references “drugs”

9.     Anyone says "Boss"

10.  Tatsu references his time in the Yakuza

11.  When Tatsu takes pictures

12.  Gin causes trouble or has his own mini-episode

13.  Anyone says "He's no amateur"

14. There is blood on Tatsu's face or clothes

What did you think?? Did you like the Show? Did you hate it!? Do you have suggestions for films we should consider?! Let us know here in the comments and always remember to be safe and drink responsibly!