Paranormal Activity Review (2007) - Idiot boyfriend antagonizes demon!

Today we decided to go with a Halloween classic Paranormal Activity! This was pretty fun for us because it has been a few years at least since we last watched this one and we enjoyed it even more this time around!

We will do everything we can to not give too many spoilers in this review but there is likely to be some so please take that into consideration and read cautiously.

First let us establish our main characters, Micah (Micah Sloat). Micah works from home as a day trader who has just moved in with his longtime girlfriend of three years, Katie, (Katie Featherston). Katie is a grad student looking to become an English teacher.

The movie starts with the one of the main characters Micah (Micah Sloat), who has just purchased a brand-new professional film camera. He is thrilled by his new purchase and shows his girlfriend Katie, (Katie Featherston).

The whole movie is filmed from the perspective of Micah’s camera and does add an extra dose of eeriness to the picture as a whole.

Katie humors him and helps him to test his new toy. She starts to feel concerned about Micah and his camera…since he is not inclined to ever turn it off and insists on filming almost everything!

She lets it go as one of the main purposes of the camera is to try to capture the strange goings on in their home especially at night while they are asleep. Footsteps, objects being moved, doors opening and closing, and more. In an attempt to capture it all Micah sets the camera up every night on a tri pod in their bedroom angled to showcase the bed as well as the bedroom door and hallway.

As the activity in the home increases Katie and Micah decide to request the presence of a psychic to help them assess what exactly is going on. Neither of them are terribly fearful as of yet…Micah particularly does not seem to take much of anything all that seriously throughout the film.

Katie is feeling good about a psychic coming to their home, while Micah is dismissive and derisive.

The psychic arrives and immediately feels that something is off. He talks with Katie and it is revealed that Katie has been experiencing paranormal activity consistently from a very young age. The more the psychic learns and moves about the house the more he is convinced that the entity is not a ghost but a demon! Demonology is not his area of expertise so he encourages Katie and Micah to contact a demonologist.

The psychic encourages them to not try to make contact with the entity as this could make the entity more powerful. He cautions them that demons feed on negative energy and it is important that they not antagonize the demon in any way.

So of course, what does Micah begin to do almost as soon as the psychic leaves the house?! Beyond continuing to be dismissive towards the psychic…he starts to bait and antagonize the demon.

The activity escalates and Katie becomes more and more fearful and frustrated. She continuously asks Micah to put down his camera, and to not goad the entity. Micah behaves like a classic “man”, and completely disregards her feelings as well as the increased activity.

This causes further tension within the household, which in turn just feeds the entity and intensifies the activity even further.

Katie is fed up with Micah and makes this very well known to him while Micah continues to be obnoxious!

You really feel for Katie throughout the movie. Katie is under a lot of pressure and is in very real danger. Micah refuses to fully accept or see this. He is so fixated on his new obsession that he cannot see the clouds through the trees. This is very detrimental to him in the end and while I hurt for Katie…I will admit that I feel very little for Micah.

We will leave it here and overall we enjoyed the movie! It was a bit topsy-turvy but in an interesting way. It was also a genuinely unnerving film. Not at all graphic or gory.

It is a psychological horror film that keeps you entertained throughout despite how annoying Micah is! It is a great choice if you are looking to get unnerved and spooked but not grossed out. This is a classic horror film and completely worth watching on your own…with the lights off of course!

We give this movie…

Three Little bottles of Fireball whiskey out of five!

The Paranormal Activity Drinking Game:

Take a sip anytime:

  • Micah blatantly disregards Katie or her feelings

  • You hear or see paranormal activity on screen

  • Katie sleepwalks

  • Micah blatantly antagonizes the demon

  • Micah and Katie bicker or argue

  • Katie asks Micah to turn the camera off

What did you think?? Did you like the movie? Did you hate it!? Do you have suggestions for films we should consider?! Let us know here in the comments and always remember to be safe and drink responsibly!


Happy Halloween 2022!


The Ritual Review (2017) - A gruesome, yet fascinating look at loss, and guilt!