The Smashed Potatoes

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Kill La Kill Review (2013 - 2014) – A delightfully peculiar, hilarious, yet dark anime that leaves you baffled, but laughing!

Anime month has been very fun so far! But it has also been rough at times and interesting! This week’s anime is a bit of a doozy; it’s called Kill La Kill and it is currently available on Hulu. While we did thoroughly enjoy this anime, it also had some thoughtful points and dark moments.

This show was triggering at times for us potatoes. There is some fat shaming, child abuse and sexual abuse within this show. These were only brief moments within the show, but it was still difficult to watch. There is also A LOT of nudity, which is done in an extremely silly way, but there is a lot of it.

As a result, as much as we laughed and enjoyed the show, it was a more difficult one for us to write about. This show will crack you up with its ridiculousness and the super funny characters, but please proceed with some degree of caution.

This is a show that is clearly poking fun at anime tropes and is such a fun ride! It laughs at itself as much as the audience does.

We will do everything we can to not give too many spoilers in this review but there are likely to be some, so please take that into consideration and read cautiously.

The show begins at Honnouji Academy where we see what appears to be a standard history class...until the door of the classroom gets completely kicked in and an enormous blond man bursts in the room! "I'm on official business!" He shouts!

This is so funny because why couldn’t he have just opened the door? Also why is he so huge? Is this not supposed to be a high school? He looks like he’s 30!

The teacher meekly bows to this gargantuan man who introduces himself as the "disciplinary committee chair, Ira Gamagoori!"(Tetsu Inada, Patrick Seitz). According to Gamagoori, there is, apparently, someone within the class that intends to attack the school! The traitorous student then throws a tear gas bomb down in the classroom and runs as fast as he can to the school's courtyard...only to find that Ira Gamagoori already beat him there!

The student pulls out what appears to be a uniform from his bag. This is our first introduction to what are known in this show as “goku uniforms” and seem to possess some kind of power that is given to the wearer. The traitor puts on the goku uniform and attacks Ira. However, Gamagoori easily dispatches him. The traitorous student’s uniform is only a one star but Gamagoori’s goku uniform is a three star! This matters a lot in the show! The stars indicate how powerful the uniforms are.

From there we meet the student council president, Satsuki Kiryuin, who rules the school with an iron fist and says very odd things like, “people are pigs in human clothing.” She has a very dictatorial vibe to her but she is charismatic as well!

We cut from here to the outside of town and a lone figure standing on a bridge. This is the new transfer student and our main character, Ryuko Matoi (Ami Koshimizu, Erica Mendez)! She starts traveling through the city, moving towards the academy when she gets stopped by a little boy.

The boy and his “gang” attempt to mug Ryuko! We get a glimpse of her skills as she quickly dispatches the "thugs." Ryuko manages to make it to the school and meets Mako, the sister of the little boy that attempted to "mug" Ryuko. Mako recognizes her from earlier and decides that she and Ryuko are now best friends!

Mako is so adorable and absolutely hilarious! We adore her and wish we could sleep and eat like she does! She is our favorite character in this show, but really, all of the characters are super entertaining.

Ryuko and Mako go to the courtyard where Ryuko displays her weapon to Satsuki and the rest of the school; half of a giant pair of scissors. It is here that we find out that Ryuko is looking for the other half of the scissors. Ryuko has a tendency to be hot headed and impulsive, so when she sees Satsuki’s reaction to the scissor half, she has a very harsh response. Based on Satsuki’s reaction, Ryuko jumps to the conclusion that Satsuki must have the other half and goes right in for an attack!

Ryuko gets blocked by the captain of the boxing club, Takaharu Fukuroda (Mitsuo Iwata)! Who is, of course, wearing a goku uniform! They fight, but because of the power of the goku uniform Ryuko does not win this fight.

Ryuko retreats quickly to lick her wounds. Takaharu is then taken to task by Ira Gamagoori because he allowed Ryuko to get away, along with the scissor blade. It is here that we discover that the scissor is a weapon specially designed to fight against goku uniforms!

Ryuko is simply not fully equipped at this time to use it to its full potential.

We see Ryuko next at her old family estate. The estate has clearly been burned down, but some artifacts are still present. While grieving, a trap door opens, dropping Ryuko into a giant basement.

Bleeding, she looks around confused when she hears a voice, "Give me more! More!"

A black and red sailor uniform with a face bursts onto the scene attacking Ryuko. "Put me on! Put me on!" the uniform demands. Ryuko is, of course, completely taken aback and scared.
The uniform rips off her clothing and forces itself onto her.

This scene is a creepy one. It is quick, but there's an air to it that is disturbing. The uniform is essentially assaulting her so it can feed on her blood. It's uncomfortable to say the least, but mercifully brief.

We cut back to the Academy, where the student captains and council have decided to use Mako as bait to lure Ryuko back into the school!

The fan service in this show is beyond outrageous. It's clearly making fun of fan service while at the same time providing so much of it. The outfits in this show are so outlandish that it is truly hilarious to watch people fighting and running around in them like they don’t even care.

Ryuko shows up and rescues Mako quickly. However, something is different this time...Ryuko appears to be wearing something unusual …Ryuko is in a truly scandalous sailor outfit that looks more like lingerie than anything else, but this new uniform is giving her a major boost in power!

As a result, this time she wins! Destroying Takaharu’s uniform in the process! In triumph, Ryuko points to Satsuki and demands to know who has the other half of her scissor...because whoever does killed her father!

The first episode ends here and even though the practical nudity is bizarre and the way that Ryuko got her new uniform is highly questionable, you can’t help but want to know what the hell is going on! You can’t help but want to see the next episode!

The show just gets more and more outrageous and hilarious with each passing episode. The transformation scenes remind us of Sailor Moon transformations, but with a hysterical, nudity filled spin. Just when you think the show can’t get weirder, it does!

The show is fast paced and moves from one thing to the next quickly. We actually loved this because so many anime’s have a tendency to draw everything out to an excruciating degree. Fight scenes taking a multitude of episodes…for the same fight!

The show is a truly wild ride that goes in directions that will surprise you! It touches on classism, and status and how these things can change people. Sometimes we forget to be appreciative of what we have because we are always looking at what we don’t.

Practicing gratitude for where we are now is extremely helpful in allowing us to truly enjoy our present. This does not mean that we cannot want more or work towards more, but it allows us to find peace with where we are currently.

Again, the show also touches briefly on abuse, and sexual assault. The main bad guy of the show is extremely tough to take at times. We do not want to give too much of the show away but we do want you guys, our awesome readers, to be aware that these difficult characters and situations are present in this show.

We will be transparent here, and let you guys know that we did find certain parts disturbing and upsetting. Like we have already stated though, the show is fast paced and we move through these scenes quickly. There is very little lingering in this show which does make it easier for the viewer to move through those few scenes.

Overall, we got such a kick out of watching this show! It is one of the most ludicrous anime we have ever watched, but we had an awesome time watching it! The show is very much aware of how outrageous it is and it appears to laugh at itself as well as all anime and rejoices in its own oddity.

We highly recommend giving this anime a shot! It may make you uncomfortable at times, but it is still a good time!

If you are someone that likes anime’s that are like a roller coaster, strange, fast, and funny then this is the show for you!

We give this show…4 Alien shots out of 5!

Kill La Kill Drinking Game

Take a sip anytime:

1. There's a transformation sequence

2. Anyone says “Life Fibers”

3. Anyone says “Goku Uniform”

4. Someone eats croquettes

5. Anytime Mako gets in trouble

6. Mako has a spotlight monologue or comes to Ryuko’s aid

7. Mako’s dad, Barazo and brother, Mataro, are creepy/perverts

8. We are introduced to a new club president

9. Lady Satsuki is standing at the top of the academy with her sword

10. Fan service or nudity

11. Anyone says “Kamui”

12. Anyone says “Regalia”

13. Mako falls asleep

14. Mikisugi (the teacher) takes off his clothes or tries to get naked

15. Mikisugi (the teacher) is creepy

16. Ryuko talks to Senketsu

17. Satsuki says “pigs in human clothing”

18. Anyone over explains something

19. Anyone talks about school clubs

20. There is a flashback

21. Anyone yells the name of an attack or the name of their outfit

22. Takarada talks about money

23. Anyone says “clothes”, “clothing” or any other variation of the word

24. Anyone says “Nudist Beach”

25. There's a close up of a high heel clacking on the ground

What did you think?? Did you like the Show? Did you hate it!? Do you have suggestions for films we should consider?! Let us know here in the comments and always remember to be safe and drink responsibly!