The Smashed Potatoes

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Happy Thanksgiving 2023!

Thanksgiving is here! As we have said before, this is a holiday that has questionable and painful origins. As we reflect on Thanksgiving, it's essential to acknowledge the historical injustices and the ongoing impact on Native American communities. Many Native Americans view Thanksgiving as a National Day of Mourning, emphasizing the loss of their ancestral lands, the devastating impact of diseases, violence and the overall consequences of colonization.

The 1621 feast is often highlighted as a symbol of cooperation, but the subsequent interactions were characterized by the colonization that resulted in the dispossession of Native American lands, cultural suppression, and violence.

It's crucial for us all as individuals and communities to engage in conversations about the true and painful history of Thanksgiving. It is important that the correct history of this holiday be taught in our schools and be widely understood. Teaching the factual history of this holiday in schools would help to foster a more nuanced understanding. While there is nothing wrong with honoring the spirit of gratitude around this holiday, it is vital that we be heedful of the complex history behind it.

As we give thanks for the good in our lives, let's also engage in conversations about the true history of Thanksgiving. By acknowledging the perspectives of Native Americans and understanding the ongoing efforts towards cultural understanding, justice, and reconciliation, we can honor the spirit of gratitude while being mindful.

That being said, we potatoes will be creating our own Thanksgiving feast for two, while watching some of our favorite holiday films, and having some sips. We will, of course, post photos of our feast as well as the Thanksgiving movie itinerary and drinking game below. We will also be doing our best to practice gratitude, but not to be forgetful in the process.

This Year’s Itinerary:

1.     You've got mail

2.     Dead Poets Society

3.     Fantastic Mr. Fox

4.     Addams Family Values

5.     Turkey Bowl

Our Feast is simple, as it is just the two of us, and we only make the things we like. But most Thanksgiving feasts are far larger than ours! But it was delicious, and we had an absolutely lovely time! We discussed our biggest points of gratitude for the past year, and cheers to those who are no longer here. Gratitude is an interesting thing though…as it is not so simple.

We have to say…gratitude and appreciation is not something that should be relegated to just one day. It can and should be something that we practice every day!

But what is practicing gratitude? What does that look like? Well, as we stated before, gratitude is more complex than meets the eye, and it is more than a momentary emotion just to be reserved for special occasions or holidays. It is a wonderful practice that, when we take the time to work it into our daily lives, can greatly enhance our overall sense of well-being, mental health and general outlook. While Thanksgiving can serve as a reminder to express gratitude, making it a daily habit has lasting benefits!

The shift in perspective that can be created by practicing gratitude encourages you to focus on abundance over scarcity, meaning it encourages you to pay more attention to what you have and less attention to what you do not have. It helps to foster contentment and peace while lessening feelings of inadequacy. Studies have linked regular gratitude practices to improved mental health, reduced stress, anxiety, and symptoms of depression.

Practicing gratitude can also strengthen your relationships by causing you to feel more comfortable with being more open and frequent with conveying appreciation and love. Thereby creating deeper connections, and more loving relationships with others. Gratitude is not just a sentiment, it is a practice and acts as a valuable tool that can help us greatly during hardship by enabling a more mindful outlook.

Want to make it a part of your everyday? Here are a few things you can do to help facilitate it! These things may come across, as “no shit Sherlock”, but we wanted to include them anyway! Things like, keeping a gratitude journal, expressing thanks to others, and our personal favorite, incorporating mindful moments.

A mindful moment can be found anytime! Whether it's during your morning coffee, a walk in nature, before bedtime, etc. we potatoes love to take a moment to reflect on the things that we’re thankful for. These things can be as big or as small as needed. For example, we potatoes are deeply grateful for the ability, to purchase and enjoy dark chocolate!

It is a small thing, but when we take a moment to appreciate things, no matter how small, it can be incredibly helpful, and change your outlook for your day. We also enjoy writing these things down, although we potatoes will openly admit to not having a gratitude journal per se, but we will still write things down in a notebook or type them out! It depends on the day, and whatever works best for that day!

Lastly, acts of kindness and participation in gratitude challenges can also further solidify this healthy mindset. Joining whatever combination of practices that work best for you can, not only, be greatly beneficial to you, but can by extension contribute to a more appreciative, mindful and uplifting world. (We hope!)

While, Thanksgiving can serve as a dedicated moment for gratitude, to get the most benefit from it lies in the adding this practice into our daily lives. By doing so it can lead to lasting and helpful effects on our mental, emotional, and physical well-being. As we express thanks during Thanksgiving, let us allow it to serve as a springboard for a continual journey of gratitude and well-being as well as a time for reflection, and mindfulness.

So, as we gather around the table this year, may our hearts be full, our glasses raised, and our spirits lifted. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, dear readers! May your day be as rich and filling as your Thanksgiving feast, and may the spirit of gratitude linger long after you have eaten that last slice of pie! Wishing you a thoughtful, reflective, loving and fun Thanksgiving Day! May it be a time of gratitude, understanding, and connection with those around you. Cheers to practicing gratitude and cheers to you!

The Thanksgiving Movie Drinking Game

Take a sip anytime:

1.     The whole Thanksgiving meal is shown on screen

2.     You see a turkey

3.     Anyone says or mentions Turkey

4.     Anyone is stressing about cooking or cooking is on screen

5.     Someone says Thanksgiving

6.     Anyone eats

7.     Family members argue

8.     There's family drama or gossip

9.     Anyone says anything cheesy or corny

10.  Anyone says they are thankful or grateful

Have you seen any of these movies? Did you love them? Did you hate them!? Do you like this drinking game? Are there rules missing? Is the game too intense? Any and all thoughts are welcome! Let us know down in the comments and always remember to be safe and drink responsibly! (Drinks can be water, soda, anything nonalcoholic, etc. Please be safe, have fun and take care of you!)