The Smashed Potatoes

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Happy New Year!! Farewell 2023!!

Happy New Year!! Goodbye 2023! Hello 2024! But, as we bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, we have to acknowledge that it can be a complicated time. We potatoes try to find joy in celebrating not just the changing of the calendar, but the previous year. We feel that New Year’s is a time for reflection on the previous Year, what worked, what didn’t, what do we want for this New Year, and more!

New Year's Eve is the grand finale to the year, it is a night when the world collectively holds its breath, anticipating the stroke of midnight that heralds the birth of a new chapter! It's a time of revelry, introspection, and resolutions. As the clock ticks toward the magic moment, the air is filled with the infectious energy of hope and anticipation.

Counting down to midnight is a universal moment where different time zones synchronize in a global celebration! Fireworks burst across the sky, echoing the collective joy of millions. Parties, whether grand or intimate, become the stage for shared laughter, shared dreams, and the shared promise of a fresh start.

And then comes New Year's Day, a day that dawns with the hope for new beginnings and change! As we shake off the remnants of the previous night's festivities, there's a deep sense of renewal in the air. It's a day to set hopeful intentions, to chart a course for the months ahead, and to embark on the journey of a New Year.

In the spirit of creating our own traditions, we potatoes love to infuse New Year's Day with moments of reflection and gratitude. Whether it's a quiet morning walk, a moment of solitude to take some notes and reflect on our aspirations for the New Year…or of course a few favorite festive films!

The Smashed Potatoes 2023 New Year’s movie itinerary!

1. Last Holiday

2. When Harry met Sally

3. Trading Places

4. Bridget Jones Diary

Our itinerary is typically smaller for New Year’s Eve/Day, because we honestly struggle to find good New Year’s films! If you know of any genuinely good films for this holiday please let us know down in the comments! We are always looking for new films to add to our holiday rotations!

Moving forward! Just like the historical and cultural layers we discussed in our exploration of Yule and Christmas, New Year's celebrations carry their own cultural depth. The concept of resolutions, while often met with a mix of enthusiasm and skepticism, mirrors the age-old tradition of making promises for personal growth and positive change. Which of course we potatoes love and fully support!

However, while New Year’s resolutions can help spur on our growth…it can also be detrimental and actually hold us back. The pressure to set grand resolutions can sometimes overshadow the importance of being kind, patient and understanding with ourselves.

The danger of setting unrealistic expectations is extremely common, with many of us biting off more than we can chew. We can set ourselves up for disappointment by setting overly ambitious goals for ourselves that lead to frustration. A common pitfall that often comes with that, is that all-or-nothing mentality, where any deviation from resolutions is viewed as “failure”.

Resolutions that are too broad or vague lack direction which can hinder effective goal-setting, making it difficult to convert into actionable steps. Trying to overhaul multiple aspects of your life simultaneously can lead to feeling incredibly overwhelmed, which messes with our ability to focus and maintain motivation.

Outside pressures to conform to the societal norm of setting resolutions can also contribute greatly to stress, steering the resolutions we make away from our genuine personal growth, wants and needs. Which we potatoes do not personally care for, we feel that we all have the right to make our lives exactly what we want them to be and do not care for fitting into societal norms for the sake of society.

While we potatoes can see the value in writing out resolutions, and have done so in the past. We personally no longer participate in the practice. We like to discuss the New Year, and previous Year, and we like to take notes on what we want to improve upon, change, etc. But we do not write out resolutions as we find the pressure of resolutions is not beneficial for us. We find that the short-term focus, social comparison, and overall pressure complicate the resolution journey for us.

If you're navigating the complexities of New Year’s resolutions, the past year, or grappling with anxiety and the uncertainties ahead, remember that your well-being matters. Be kind and gentle with yourself, set realistic expectations for the New Year, and always remember that you can make life affirming changes, heal and grow all at your own pace. So, whether you're dancing in a crowded square as the clock strikes midnight, at a party or finding solace in a quiet moment of introspection, your unique journey matters, and is valid.

As we raise our glasses to toast the New Year, let's not only celebrate the passage of time, let us celebrate how much we have all overcome, and share in the excitement of how far we still have yet to go. Here's to a joyous New Year's Eve filled with shared moments and the timeless spirit of celebration! Cheers to embracing growth, renewal, peace and love in the coming New Year! Cheers to you! Happy New Year!

The New Year’s Eve Drinking Game!

Take a sip anytime:

1. The clock strikes midnight, officially welcoming the New Year

2. Hear "Auld Lang Syne" being sung or played

3. Someone shares their New Year's resolution or resolutions are mentioned

4. You see a sparkling or fireworks display on the screen or in the real sky

5. Every countdown to the New Year, no matter how unofficial

6. Someone is wearing a particularly festive or quirky New Year's outfit

7. Hear the distinctive sound of a party horn, or party poppers

8. There is dancing on screen

9. New Year’s Eve kiss on screen

10. Any character has an unexpected or mistaken New Year's kiss.

11. Confetti rains down

12. A character makes a New Year’s toast

13. Streamers on screen.

14. Someone grabs a late-night snack.

15. The New York City Ball Drop is on screen

16. Glasses clink together for a toast

17. Anyone declares their love for someone

Have you seen any of these movies? Did you love them? Did you hate them!? What films do we need to watch? Do you like this drinking game? Are there rules missing? Is the game too intense? Any and all thoughts are welcome! Let us know down in the comments and always remember to be safe and drink responsibly! (Drinks can be water, soda, anything nonalcoholic, etc. Please be safe, have fun and take care of you!)