Happy March!!

Poster greeting 'Hello March 2024' with vibrant spring imagery, symbolizing rejuvenation and new beginnings.

Hello, fellow spuds! We've missed you! After a brief hiatus, during which we took some much-needed time, we're back and ready to embrace the vibrant spirit of March with open arms! This month, we're all about mental health, personal growth, and the rejuvenating energy of spring; the perfect time for new beginnings and nurturing our inner selves.

March brings with it a symphony of renewal! From the tender green shoots piercing through the thawing soil to the lengthening days filled with softer light. Spring is a reminder that growth is a constant journey, not confined to a single month or season. This March, we invite you to join us in exploring themes of mental well-being and personal evolution, through mindful practices, and uplifting cinema, that bless us with shared stories of resilience and renewal. We potatoes delight in this season of transformation, where every new leaf and lengthening day sings of potential and new beginnings!

March also heralds the celebration of International Women's Day which is today! March 8th, which serves as a reminder of the strides we've made towards gender equality and the difficult and long journey we still have ahead. It's a day we potatoes greatly respect, celebrating the achievements, intelligence, resilience, and indomitable spirit of women everywhere.

While today does mark the occasion, International Women's Day, we encourage you to celebrate the incredible contributions, strength, and spirit of women every single day. Women's stories, achievements, and struggles are woven into the very fabric of our society and every moment, every challenge, and every triumph, throughout the years. So, let's continue to uplift and support one another, not just this March but in all the months that follow!

As we all know, St. Patrick's Day is on the horizon! While we're all a wee bit Irish on March 17th, we're excited to bring our own unique flavor to the festivities. Look out for our upcoming dive into St. Patrick's Day, where we'll explore some of the traditions, folklore, and cultural significance behind the sea of green. Whether you're donning green, enjoying a hearty meal, or just reveling in the spirited parades and lively music, we feel that St. Patrick's Day is another fine example of the joy of cultural celebration and the enduring power of fun!

We see spring's renewal as the perfect backdrop for planting seeds of personal growth and rejuvenation. This month, to us potatoes, is synonymous with new beginnings. This March, we’re all about nurturing that inner spark, with uplifting stories and mindful moments that encourage us to blossom right alongside the season. It's a time for introspection, for celebrating the small victories, and growth!

As the frost retreats and the first buds of spring make their appearance, we’re getting our taste buds ready for the seasonal delights that this time of year brings. St. Patrick's Day? Oh, we’ve got some thematic culinary fun planned to mark the occasion! Keep an eye out for our St. Patrick’s Day post! What are you guy whipping up for St. Patrick’s Day this year?

As we step into this month of renewal and reflection, let's embrace the opportunities it brings for growth, connection, and joy. Please share your March moments with us! Be it a mental health tip that's made a difference for you, a story of a woman who inspires you daily, or your own special St. Patrick's Day traditions.

Here's to a March filled with growth, healing, vibrant celebrations, movies and to the beautiful, ongoing story of our lives! Cheers to new beginnings, cheers to embracing the fun in every moment. cheers to each one of you, and cheers to the journey ahead!

What holiday or holidays do you celebrate during this time of year? What are your favorite traditions? Have you come up with any new or different traditions? What do you think of St. Patrick’s Day? What movies should we review this month? Any and all thoughts are welcome! Let us know down in the comments and always remember to be safe and take care of you!


Happy St. Patrick's Day 2024!!


Happy Lupercalia! Happy Valentine’s Day 2024!!