Happy HOBBIT Day 2023!!!

Hobbit Day 2023 poster featuring the Shire and one ring.

Happy Hobbit Day!!! This is one of our all-time FAVORITE holidays that we potatoes have been celebrating yearly since 2012, but honestly it has been something we have been doing ever since the amazing LOTR EXTENDED EDITION films came out on DVD. We also watched the films multiple times in theatres! AMAZING does not begin to describe how awesome that was and it is some of our fondest childhood memories.

It is because of this auspicious and fantastical occasion that we dubbed this month Live-Action fantasy month! We have watched a good many fun and different fantasy films so far this month but we all know that none of them could ever top The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (extended editions). It is no one’s fault! The films are simply too fantastic in every way as well as the wonderful books written by JRR Tolkien. We could not recommend the movies or the books more, so if you have never read the wonderful books or seen the amazing films….well you should definitely consider doing so!

But we do get it! Life gets busy, and the films are long ones! We can assure you though, that they are 100% worth your time. They are among our all-time favorite films, and we have a blast every Hobbit Day re-entering and immersing ourselves into the epic world of Middle Earth!

But why today? What is Hobbit Day? September 22nd is Bilbo’s and Frodo’s birthday! The first film The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring begins with an epic party for Bilbo’s birthday, and Hobbit day (for us) is a fun day to commemorate these amazing characters!

What do we do for Hobbit Day? Do we simply watch the films? Well yes and no! We watch the original extended edition trilogy, which is an all-day marathon, but we also prepare a lot of Hobbit foods. We have charcuterie, fresh vegetables, fruit, bread etc.! We channel our inner Hobbit’s and we spend the day snacking, (breakfast, second breakfast, elevenses, luncheon, afternoon tea, dinner, and supper!), watching the original LOTR and playing a light drinking game! We make a big day of it and we always have the best time, so we highly recommend adding this Holiday to your life. Fun can be in such short supply, especially nowadays, so we encourage as much innocent fun as possible!

The itinerary is apparent, but it is as follows!

  • The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)

  • The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)

  • The Lord of the Rings:  The Return of the King (2003)

You can play the drinking game or leave it! This holiday, much like any, can be thoroughly enjoyed without any alcohol being involved! But as we all know by now, we enjoy a good drinking game to go along with our binge watching and this drinking game in particular is very special to us.

This is the drinking game that started it all! When we had our first formal Hobbit Day celebration back in 2012. We thought it would be fun to see if we could find a drinking game for it. We casually looked around and we looked through several…before we came across a drinking game that was almost perfect! We love this drinking game and while we cannot claim to have invented this one, it is, in our opinion, the best one out there!

We have scoured the internet trying to find the original creator of this drinking game! We want to give credit where credit is due…but we have not been able to find the original creator! The drinking game is titled “The Lord of the Rings Drinking Game: Drink ‘Till You’re In Middle Earth”. We did, however, find another blog online called the “Realm Beyond Sight” that cites the original source drinking game as being from “Kyle’s Vault of Cool” over on Tumblr. However, that Tumblr page no longer exists, unfortunately. We’ll post the link to the 2012 blog post in case you’d like to take a look! Realm Beyond Sight

If you know who the original creator is, please drop it down in the comments for us! We would love to thank them for helping us start such an incredibly fun tradition that we look forward to every single year. We would also like to thank them for inspiring us to actually write down our own games!

Like we said earlier, we have been using this drinking game for quite some time! It is a favorite of ours and we only play it once a year, Hobbit Day. We have made a few minor adjustments over the years but we are always completely open to any suggestions any of you wonderful readers care to give! Are there any rules you think should be added?

The Lord of the Rings/Hobbit Day Drinking Game

Take a sip anytime:

1.     There's a close up of the One Ring

2.     There's a panoramic scenery shot

3.     The entire fellowship is on screen

4.     The ring is referred to as "Precious"

5.     There's an intimate moment between Frodo & Sam

6.     Merry & Pippin get up to shenanigans

7.     Frodo looks like he's jizzing himself

8.     Frodo wanders away from the group

9.     Gandalf goes SERIOUS WIZARD MODE

10.  Aragorn does something BADASS

11.  Legolas doesn't understand emotions or says something obvious

12.  Legolas looks into the distance

13.  Gimli says or does something funny


Have you seen the LOTR movies? Did you love them? Did you hate them!? Do you like this drinking game? Are there rules missing? Is the game too intense? Any and all thoughts are welcome! Let us know down in the comments and always remember to be safe and drink responsibly! (Drinks can be water, soda, anything nonalcoholic, etc. Please be safe, have fun and take care of you!)


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