Bambi Review (1942) - A heartfelt romp in the woods, where friendships blossom, life's lessons are learned, and a young deer steps into adulthood!

Vintage poster of the classic 1942 animated movie Bambi, featuring the young deer Bambi with forest background.

As the first buds of spring appear, we potatoes find ourselves nestled in the comforting embrace of a timeless classic! The 1942 animated marvel, "Bambi." As a kid, this was one of us potato’s ultimate comfort movies! This film is a heartfelt embrace from our childhoods, inviting us into the forest's dappled light, to frolic in the spring air with the forest animals and we love it!

"Bambi" is an enchanting journey, a beautiful and delicate dance of nature but, let us tread lightly on the forest floor, for while this is a tale of beauty and natural wonder, it also deals with themes of loss, grief, scenes of animal death, violence, themes of abandonment, moments of emotional distress, and the stark realities of the natural world. These can evoke strong emotions or discomfort for some, so it is important to be aware of them, but also bear in mind that this film is still relatively light and sweet overall.

We will do everything we can to not give too many spoilers in this review but there is likely to be some so please take that into consideration and read cautiously. There’s a lot to discuss in this one despite its simple story, so let’s dive right in!

The film begins with a breathtaking panorama of a tranquil forest, each stroke of the animator's brush imbuing the scene with a sense of ethereal beauty! From the swaying trees to the gorgeous waterfalls, every detail is meticulously hand-painted, evoking a sense of awe and reverence for the natural world.

As we see an owl (Will Wright) fly into his home in the hollow of a tree from a night of activity, he yawns, getting ready to finally sleep as morning approaches. As the owl starts to sleep, we see several of the forest creatures starting to stir from their slumber in the morning light. Suddenly, we hear birds begin to sing, seemingly to alert all the other forest creatures of something exciting that’s happened! All the forest creatures scramble together toward where all the excitement is coming from, including our poor friend owl, who is obviously disturbed at not being able to sleep, but keeps getting pestered.

All the forest creatures congregate together around a doe (Paula Winslowe) and her newborn baby. We are then introduced to the baby deer, Bambi (Donnie Dunagan), our endearing protagonist, a wide-eyed fawn taking his first tentative steps into the vast beauty of the forest. The forest animals all refer to him as “young prince”, due to his heritage as the son of the “Great Prince of the Forest”. Shy about all the other forest creatures who’ve come to bid Bambi welcome to the world, Bambi tentatively and weakly greets them all back.

But no adventure is complete without companions, and Bambi soon finds himself in the company of Thumper (Peter Behn), a spirited young rabbit whose boundless energy matches his own. Their meeting is a delightful moment of camaraderie, as Thumper eagerly teaches Bambi the art of thumping his hind leg and introduces him to the other whimsical inhabitants of the forest.

Among these newfound friends is Flower (Stan Alexander), a bashful skunk whose shy demeanor belies a gentle soul. We absolutely adore Flower! He is so cute!

Their first encounter is a charming exchange where Bambi is just starting to learn to speak and what the names of common objects and creatures around him are called. In a moment of silliness, Bambi, having just learned what flowers are and that they smell nice, stumbles across a bashful skunk. Bambi naively says “Flower!” making the skunk blush as Thumper laughs his fool head off saying “No, no, no! That’s not a flower”. Flower welcomes Bambi into the fold with a timid yet heartfelt greeting. It's a touching moment that highlights the bonds of friendship forged amidst the beauty of nature.

With each bound, Bambi discovers the joys of exploration, his curiosity palpable as he marvels at the sights and sounds around him. It's a heartwarming portrayal of innocence and wonder, as Bambi encounters the world with a sense of childlike curiosity.

As the seasons change, so too does the landscape, transforming from the lush greens of spring to the vibrant hues of summer. Each transition is a testament to the animator's skill, as the scenery seamlessly shifts before our eyes, mirroring the passage of time with effortless grace!

One of the film's standout moments comes with the arrival of spring, heralded by the enchanting melody of "April Showers." As raindrops dance across the screen, accompanied by the gentle patter of music, we're treated to a symphony of color and sound that perfectly captures the joy of new beginnings. The song also highlights the fear of the unknown as thunder and lightning crash and the music tenses before the storm calms and dies down, along with the music.

Against this backdrop of natural splendor, Bambi's journey of self-discovery unfolds, his innocence and wonder guiding him through the trials and tribulations of growing up. Whether frolicking in the meadow with his friends or seeking solace in the comforting embrace of his mother, Bambi's experiences resonate with viewers of all ages, reminding us of the beauty and magic that surrounds us each day.

The film weaves a melody of emotions, each character adds a stroke to the rich portrait of life's interconnectedness, painting a world where every creature, no matter how small, plays a role in the great dance of the wild. Through its stunning animation, memorable characters and evocative score, the film invites us to rediscover the wonders of nature and embrace the joy of experiencing the world for the first time.

Looking back on it as adults, we were surprised to see that the film holds up really well! The gorgeous art style that is used with all the hand painted scenery, trees, flowers, and natural beauty is something we don’t really see from Disney anymore. We wish that was not the case as it is gorgeous and truly should be brought back.

The beautiful music does a lot to tie the film together. To make reference to another favorite classic cartoon, Tom and Jerry had a way of storytelling, giving voice to, and even giving sound effects to the characters and scenarios on screen through its music. Bambi does the same, but in a much more palpable and profound way.

The song “April Showers” is a favorite in this movie as they use choir, orchestra, and the film’s visual scenes to sync together into a wonderful story of the unpredictability of storms in the spring. “April Showers” is a song that we potatoes really love, it is such a nostalgic, yet lovely song that brings us back to the simplicity of youthful rainy days.

It seems as though they took some of their cues from the movie Fantasia, which was released just two years prior to Bambi in 1940. The film actually kind of feels like an extra-long Fantasia segment!

The film also does an excellent job of creating tension for the audience! There were several scenes where we potatoes even jumped a little at the jarring music, sound effects, and flashes of bright color on screen! There was something about re-watching the film that gave the sense of the unknown, as though we, like the deer in the film, were a bit on edge about the potential dangers of the world.

Which brings us to, the stark and honest portrayal of the dangers that human activities pose to wildlife and their habitats. The film implores us, to reflect on the delicate balance of the natural world and the importance of coexisting harmoniously within it. "Bambi" is not just a cute film about an adorable deer, it is trying to encourage us to embrace stewardship of the environment, urging us to protect and preserve the wonders of nature for all, and generations to come.  We love this messaging, and feel that this cannot be said loudly enough. We need to take accountability for our role in the state of our earth, and do what we can to correct the damage that we have done.

We do not have many critiques for this film, but we do have a few! One of our critiques for the film is that it would have been nice to see a steadier progression of Bambi’s growth and development into adulthood. From a certain point, we actually get a bit of a time skip from where he looks like a little baby deer to being a full-on stag, which is definitely a bit jarring for the audience (or at least it was for us potatoes).

This film is near and dear to our hearts, but it’s also one that has several cringe-worthy moments. Some of the interactions between characters can feel forced or strained. The line delivery can also be quite rough at times and made us visibly wince a little as we watched. Thumper’s adult laughter was awkward to say the least…honestly the entire “Twitterpated” part of the movie did not age as well as we would have liked. It’s still a great movie that holds a lot of nostalgia for us, but we have to openly admit that it is not a perfect film. However, we do feel that the overall message of the film, the animation, and the story make up for these issues fairly well!

In its essence, "Bambi" is a symphony of growth, a celebration of the tender shoots of youth reaching toward the light, learning, loving, and ultimately leading. It's a film that invites us to gaze in wonder at the natural world, to respect its rhythms, and to do better about finding our place, as humans, within its embrace instead of blatantly working against it.

So, here's to "Bambi!" To the delightful whispers of the forest, and to the timeless tales that teach us to be brave, to be kind, and to tread gently upon this earth we call home. If you enjoy sweet, animated movies with gorgeous art, beautiful music, and a showcase of old school Disney’s talents, then this is the film for you!

Cheers to a film that, like the first day of spring, renews our sense of wonder, reminds us that we are part of the natural world, and rekindling our belief in the enduring beauty of life's cycle. And most importantly, cheers to you!

We give Bambi 4 out of 5 Basil Smash’s!

The Bambi Drinking Game

Take a sip anytime:

1.     Anyone says “Bambi”

2.     Anyone says “Prince”

3.     Anyone says “Twitterpated”

4.     Bambi learns or tries something new

5.     Anyone gives doe eyes

6.     Thumper thumps his foot

7.     Thumper says something blunt

8.     Flower blushes

9.     Friend Owl gets annoyed

10.  Faline is mentioned or seen on screen

11.  There's a tense or dramatic moment on screen

12.  Bambi's father is on screen

13.  Man (the hunter) is mentioned

14.  The seasons change on screen

What did you think? Did you like the movie? Did you hate it? What movies should we watch? Any and all thoughts are welcome! Let us know here in the comments and always remember to be safe and drink responsibly!


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