The Smashed Potatoes

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The Pottersville Drinking Game

Take a sip anytime:

1.     Christmas music plays

2.     The townsfolk put things on their tab at Maynard's store

3.     Furries are on screen or mentioned

4.     Anyone mentions Bart's hunting skills

5.     Anyone says "Bigfoot"

6.     Maynard dresses up as Big Foot

7.     Maynard howls, yowls, or growls like a Sasquatch

8.     Maynard goes out of his way to do something nice

9.     Bart makes you laugh

10.  Brock says "Sasquatch" or "'Squatch"

11.  Jack (The Sheriff) defends furry culture or mentions "the club"

What do you think? Do you like this drinking game? Are there rules missing? Is the game too intense? Are there movies that you think we should make a drinking game for? Let us know here in the comments and always remember to be safe and drink responsibly! (Drinks can be water, soda, anything nonalcoholic, etc. Please be safe, have fun and take care of you!)