The Lupercalia/Valentine’s Day Drinking Game!

Lupercalia/Valentine's Day Drinking Game

Take a sip anytime:

1.        Anyone says the word “Love”

2.        Anyone kisses

3.        Anyone says “I’m not looking for anything serious” or “I’m not looking for a relationship”

4.        Anyone mentions Valentine’s Day or “Not having a Valentine”

5.        There’s a meet cute

6.        Someone receives flowers or chocolates

7.        The female lead is a “serious” career woman

8.        The female lead is super clumsy, but everyone finds it adorable

9.        The male lead is a “bad boy”

10.     The male lead completely changes his established behavior to be with the female lead

11.     There is a makeover/dressing room montage

12.     There is long eye contact between characters

13.     Cheesy romance music plays

14.     There is a sex scene, or an implied sex scene

What do you think? Do you like this drinking game? Are there rules missing? Is the game too intense? Are there movies that you think we should make a drinking game for? Let us know here in the comments and always remember to be safe and drink responsibly! (Drinks can be water, soda, anything nonalcoholic, etc. Please be safe, have fun and take care of you!)


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