The Holiday in Handcuffs Drinking Game

Take a sip anytime:

1.     Christmas music is playing

2.     Trudie lies

3.     Trudie mentions her paintings/art

4.     David tries to escape

5.     Corny moment on screen

6.     Maria the maid does something nuts/hilarious

7.     Either of Trudie's parents laugh

8.     Trudie's parents are judgmental or shitty

9.     David calls Trudie crazy/a psycho, etc.

10.  Trudie and David bond

11.  Mom mentions the color pink

12.  David calls Trudie names, makes fun of her, or talks about her getting caught

13.  Grandma is snarky

14.  Grandma drinks

15.  Truths are finally spoken

What do you think? Do you like this drinking game? Are there rules missing? Is the game too intense? Are there movies that you think we should make a drinking game for? Let us know here in the comments and always remember to be safe and drink responsibly! (Drinks can be water, soda, anything nonalcoholic, etc. Please be safe, have fun and take care of you!)


The Krampus Movie Drinking Game


The Thanksgiving Movie Drinking Game