The Smashed Potatoes

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The Fifth Element Drinking Game

Take a sip anytime:

1.     You hear "Aziz, LIGHT!!" Or you hear the name Aziz

2.     Aliens on screen

3.     Anyone says or mentions the fifth element

4.     Anyone mentions “the stones”

5.     Anyone says "The Evil" or “Evil”

6.     Anyone says "Life"

7.     Anyone says “Zorg”

8.     President on screen

9.     Blatant ad placement

10.  Anyone says "mission"

11.  Anyone says "Perfect"

12.  Korben hears from his mother

13.  Korben is funny or badass

14.  Korben complains

15.  Leeloo struggles with English

16.  Leeloo speaks the divine language

17.  Leeloo has a badass moment

18.  Anyone says "green" or "super green"

19.  Ruby Rhod says "bzzzzt"

20.  Ruby Rhod screams

21. Ruby Rhod says "My Man"

What do you think? Do you like this drinking game? Are there rules missing? Is the game too intense? Let us know here in the comments and always remember to be safe and drink responsibly! (Drinks can be water, soda, anything nonalcoholic, etc. Please be safe, have fun and take care of you!)