The Smashed Potatoes

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The Avatar: The Last Airbender Drinking Game!

Take a sip anytime:

1.     Sokka says or does anything silly, dumb, or rude

2.     Sokka has a brilliant plan

3.     Sokka mentions being hungry or wanting meat

4.     Sokka says “boomerang”

5.     Katara mentions waterbending

6.     Katara mentions her mother

7.     Katara loses her temper

8.     Katara speaks passionately

9.     Aang is goofy or fools around

10.  Aang's tattoos glow

11.  Appa groans, growls, or grumbles

12.  Momo eats anything

13.  Zuko talks about his honor

14.  Zuko says "Uncle"

15.  Zuko loses his temper

16.  Zuko dons the Blue Spirit mask

17.  Iroh says anything wise or insightful

18.  Iroh talks about food or eats

19.  Iroh mentions tea

20.  Bumi laughs

21.  Toph mentions earthbending

22.  Toph is sarcastic or snarky

23.  Toph laughs

24.  Toph says “twinkle toes”

25.  Toph mentions her feet

26.  Toph bends metal

27.  Azula is a perfectionist

28.  Azula lies

29.  Azula shoots lightning

30.  Azula says something threatening

31.  Azula is unhinged

32.  Suki is badass

33.  Mei talks about being bored

34.  Ty Lee is bubbly or flirtatious

35.  The cabbage merchant says anything about his cabbages

36.  Anyone says Avatar

37.  Anyone says Yip Yip

38.  Anyone says "Firelord"

39.  Anyone says "Fire Nation"

40.  Anyone says “Ba Sing Se”

41.  Anyone says “White Lotus”

42.  Anyone mentions sozins comet

43.  Sozin's comet is on screen

44.  A guard shit talks Iroh

45.  Combustion man blows anything up

46.  Anyone says "Phoenix King"

What do you think? Do you like this drinking game? Are there rules missing? Is the game too intense? Are there movies/shows that you think we should make a drinking game for? Let us know here in the comments and always remember to be safe and drink responsibly! (Drinks can be water, soda, anything nonalcoholic, etc. Please be safe, have fun and take care of you!)